Directory of Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers and Service Providers
Hongkong Ebag Industry Group Limited
We are a professional Enterprise of R&D and manufacturing notebook bags, camera bags, CD bags, fashion bags located in Huadu District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province.
We are a "Direct Factory Outlet" and all of our replica bags are sourced from specialized factories experienced in the production of top quality of AAA+++(99.9% mirror copy) Designer bags.
We are manufacturers and exporters of leather goods. We have a strong team that can provide good quality product at a very reasonable price. We believe in giving timely delivery of goods.
A small mfg & exporting company managed by the propietor, management graduate.
Exports to USA and Europe, small leather goods and corporate gifts on a very selective manner.
ocll was founded in 2006 by a PG (rachna)from nift,with a vision to cater the needs of the market. In a brief span of time, OCLL has built up prestigious clientele from India & abroad.
We are specializes in the manufacture and export of aluminum cases.
Our company mainly produces are cosmetic cases, tool cases, briefcases, gun cases...